Domestics on Call
Through regular recruitment
drives, we recruit
trainee cleaners
that must meet
our specific
criteria. Successful
applicants are
trained at our
training school
and on completion
they are at par
with a trained
hotel housekeeper.
Additional competencies
they will have
after training
include washing
and ironing and
advanced window
washing skills.
Child minding
skills is an
optional extra.
Trained Domestics
are available
on call on a
“when required”
basis. This can
vary from once
per week to 5
days per week.
They start at
8:00 and leave
by 16:00
Uniforms are
Benefits of our Domestic Services
No work no pay – which means if, for example, you go away for a few days, you can place the domestic service on hold without having to pay for the service during the period that you are way.
No work contract required with the domestic which means you do not have to worry about leave pay or maternity leave
We endeavour to bring the same domestic to your house every time
We provide a backup service to cater for unexpected absenteeism or sickness.
No unpleasant encounters at the CCMA
In the unlikely event that you are not entirely happy with the cleaner we provided, we will swop that cleaner with another one immediately